The Coho Salmon has single handedly made Lake Michigan one of the finest fishing destinations in the world. Whether you are Charter Fishing out of Montrose Harbor Chicago or in Northpoint Marina, Winthrop Harbor, IL. Coho’s have traditionally made up between 50 to 70 percent of our annual catch reports.
Coho Salmon (aka Silvers)
Like its big brother the King it grows rapidly by consuming Alewives (Small Shad-Like Fish) at an amazing rate. Summer catches of Coho’s are normally accompanied by a mouth full of Alewives (We call that STUFFED WITH ANCHOVIES). The Coho’s life span is 3 years and really enters the fishery in its third year. Springtime fishing is excellent for bright young Coho’s in the 2 to 3 pound range while trolling the surface (Great acrobatics). By August these Coho’s grow to an amazing 9 to 12 pound size and fight like crazy. One year of note was 1999 – called the year of the Coho by many an outdoor writer because they were abnormally large and in August averaged 13 to 15 pounds with many caught up to 19 1/2 pounds (True freaks). Coho’s are caught all season long however I can recommend early Spring thru June for the best quantities.
Illinois State Record 20lbs 9oz
Wisconsin State Record 26lbs 1oz
Indiana State Record 20lbs 12oz
World Record 35lb 8ounces